Mutheka 250g

0,00 kr

Co-operative: Mutheka FCS
Wet mill: Chorongi
Producer: Several smallholders
Harvest: December 2013
Origin: Nyeri, Kenya.
Growing conditions: 1700 – 1800 masl.
Cultivars: SL 28 & SL 34

Process: The coffee is hand picked by the farmers and their families. After delivering the coffee to the wet mill the good coffee cherries are separated from the inferior ones. The cherries are depulped and graded by using an old disc de-pulper that uses water and gravity to sort dense beans from less dense beans. The beans are dry fermented for about 12-16 hours over night in one tank, then transported to a second tank with water where the fermentation is finished. This prevents the coffee from over fermenting. After fermentation the coffee is washed and graded in the evening before it gets soaked over night for about 12 hours. After soaking the coffee is dried on african elevated drying tables, where defect parchment coffee gets sorted out. The coffee is dried to a moisture between 10-12% and stored in conditioning bins before delivery to the dry mill.

Flavour description:
Intense flavours of black currants, flowers and blackberries.
Intense winey acidity. Transparent and juicy mouthfeel.
Short refreshing finish.

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